Wednesday, February 25, 2015

ExtJS Editable grid panel, extjs - Altering data in, Ext JS simple grid example with editable column, ExtJS Grid Edit Tutorial: Edit Data with an Ext JS Grid, ExtJs Simple Grid - Edit Column

Very basic example of ExtJS 5.1 Grid Panel with editable column functionality.
For making column as editable, add two things:

1. Add below plugin to your grid panel
plugins: [
            Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
                clicksToEdit : 1

2. In column definition add below configuration:

editor: 'textfield'

Here is full running example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>ExtJS 5 Grid Example</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="extjs-5.1.0/packages/ext-theme-gray/build/resources/ext-theme-gray-all.css"/>
    <script src="extjs-5.1.0/extjs5.1.0-all-dashboard.js"></script>

.x-grid-item-selected .x-grid-cell {
       background-color: #B3D4FF !important;
       color :#000000 !important;



 extend: '',
  {name: 'id'},
  {name: 'name'},
  {name: 'mobile'},
  {name: 'TestColumn',
      convert : function(value, record){
    return record.get('name')+" CHECK";

    var studentStore = Ext.create('',{
model: 'Student',
     pageSize: 7,
{id:'1', name:'Binod', mobile:'999999999'},
{id:'5', name:'Ishan', mobile:'898989898998'},
{id:'3', name:'Akshu', mobile:'1234123499'},
{id:'4', name:'Sanjay 4', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'5', name:'Sanjay 5', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'6', name:'Sanjay 6', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'7', name:'Sanjay 7', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'8', name:'Sanjay 8', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'9', name:'Sanjay 9', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'20', name:'Sanjay 20', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'21', name:'Sanjay 21', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'22', name:'Sanjay 22', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'23', name:'Sanjay 23', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'24', name:'Zambia 24', mobile:'8888999997'}


renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: studentStore



extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
width: 600,
height: 200,
title: 'Student Records',

plugins: ['gridfilters',
            Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
                clicksToEdit : 1
{text: 'Roll Number', filter: 'string', dataIndex:'id', width: 100},
{text: 'Name' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'name', width: 100},
{text: 'Mobile' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'mobile', editor: 'textfield', flex: 1},
{text: 'Test Column' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'TestColumn', flex: 1},


initComponent: function () {
 this.selModel = new Ext.selection.CheckboxModel( {


Friday, February 13, 2015

ExtJs 5.1 Paging tool not showing correct data when its load, Ext js Pagination issue in 5.1, ExtJs 5.1 Pagination tutorial, Ext JS pagingtoolbar not working during loading time

ExtJS 5.1 has one bug that when you load grid panel then first time it will not show correct paging number in paging tool. Once you do page next then it starts working.
During page load time it always show Page 1 of 1.

First Pagination code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>ExtJS 5.1.0 Grid Pagination Example</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="extjs-5.1.0/packages/ext-theme-gray/build/resources/ext-theme-gray-all.css"/>
    <script src="extjs-5.1.0/extjs5.1.0-all-dashboard.js"></script>


 extend: '',
 fields:[{name: 'id'},{name: 'name'},{name: 'mobile'} ]

var mydata = {
"totalCount": 24,
{status: true, id:1, name:'Binod', mobile:'0000099257'},
{status: true, id:2, name:'Binod 2', mobile:'0000099257'},
{status: true, id:3, name:'Akshu', mobile:'12345070277'},
{status: false, id:4, name:'Sanjay 4', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:5, name:'Sanjay 5', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:6, name:'Sanjay 6', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:7, name:'Sanjay 7', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:8, name:'Sanjay 8', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:9, name:'Sanjay 9', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:10, name:'Sanjay 10', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:11, name:'Sanjay 11', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:12, name:'Sanjay 12', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:13, name:'Sanjay 13 ', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:14, name:'Sanjay 14', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:15, name:'Sanjay 15', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:16, name:'Sanjay 16', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:17, name:'Sanjay 17', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:18, name:'Sanjay 18', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:19, name:'Sanjay 19', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:20, name:'Sanjay 20', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:21, name:'Sanjay 21', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:22, name:'Sanjay 22', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:23, name:'Sanjay 23', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: true, id:24, name:'Zambia 24', mobile:'8888999997'}

var storeProxy = {
                  type: 'memory',
 enablePaging : true,
                  data: mydata

storeProxy.reader = {
           type: 'json',
           totalProperty: 'totalCount',
           rootProperty: 'rows',
           successProperty: 'success'

   var studentStore = Ext.create('',{
 model: 'Student',
 autoLoad: true,
 remoteSort: true,
 remoteFilter : true,
 pageSize: 10,
 proxy: storeProxy


var dockedPagingToolbar = [];
          dockedPagingToolbar = [{
          xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
          store: studentStore,
  afterPageText:'of '+Math.ceil( /  studentStore.pageSize) ,
          dock: 'bottom',
          displayInfo: true

renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: studentStore,
width: 450,
height: 250,
height: 290,
multiSelect: true,
title: 'Student Records',
plugins: 'gridfilters',
    dockedItems : dockedPagingToolbar,

{xtype: 'checkcolumn', text: 'Status', filter: 'string', dataIndex:'status', width: 50},
{text: 'Roll Number', filter: 'numeric', dataIndex:'id', width: 100},
{text: 'Name' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'name', width: 100},
{text: 'Mobile' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'mobile', flex: 1}



Fix bug:

var dockedPagingToolbar = [];
          dockedPagingToolbar = [{
          xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
          store: studentStore,
afterPageText:'of '+Math.ceil( /  studentStore.pageSize) ,
          dock: 'bottom',
          displayInfo: true

Thursday, February 12, 2015

ExtJS 5.1 Paging Tool bar example, Pagination for Grid, Ext.PagingToolbar bug in 'change' event, Bug in PagingToolbar, Extjs 5 grid binding after page change, Bug when you enter undefined page number

Here I am going to show one very basic example for Pagination (Paging Tool Bar), along with one very basic issue fixed.

Bug is there in Extjs 5.1 that if you go last page of your grid and enter some page number that is not exist then page number does not refresh to last page number.

First code Demo:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>ExtJS 5.1.0 Grid Pagination Example</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="extjs-5.1.0/packages/ext-theme-gray/build/resources/ext-theme-gray-all.css"/>
    <script src="extjs-5.1.0/extjs5.1.0-all-dashboard.js"></script>

.x-grid-item-selected .x-grid-cell {
       background-color: #B3D4FF !important;
       color :#000000 !important;



 extend: '',
 fields:[{name: 'id'},{name: 'name'},{name: 'mobile'} ]

var mydata = {
"totalCount": 24,
{status: true, id:1, name:'Binod', mobile:'0000099257'},
{status: true, id:2, name:'Binod 2', mobile:'0000099257'},
{status: true, id:3, name:'Akshu', mobile:'12345070277'},
{status: false, id:4, name:'Sanjay 4', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:5, name:'Sanjay 5', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:6, name:'Sanjay 6', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:7, name:'Sanjay 7', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:8, name:'Sanjay 8', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:9, name:'Sanjay 9', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:10, name:'Sanjay 10', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:11, name:'Sanjay 11', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:12, name:'Sanjay 12', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:13, name:'Sanjay 13 ', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:14, name:'Sanjay 14', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:15, name:'Sanjay 15', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:16, name:'Sanjay 16', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:17, name:'Sanjay 17', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:18, name:'Sanjay 18', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:19, name:'Sanjay 19', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:20, name:'Sanjay 20', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:21, name:'Sanjay 21', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:22, name:'Sanjay 22', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: false, id:23, name:'Sanjay 23', mobile:'999988885'},
{status: true, id:24, name:'Zambia 24', mobile:'8888999997'}

var storeProxy = {
                 type: 'memory',
 enablePaging : true,
                  data: mydata

  storeProxy.reader = {
           type: 'json',
           totalProperty: 'totalCount',
           rootProperty: 'rows',
           successProperty: 'success'

   var studentStore = Ext.create('',{
 model: 'Student',
 autoLoad: true,
 remoteSort: true,
 remoteFilter : true,
 pageSize: 10,
 proxy: storeProxy


var dockedPagingToolbar = [];
          dockedPagingToolbar = [{
          xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
          store: studentStore,
          dock: 'bottom',
          displayInfo: true,
  readPageFromInput : function(pageData){
    var inputItem = this.getInputItem(),
    pageNum = false,
                    if (inputItem) {
    v = inputItem.getValue();
    pageNum = parseInt(v, 10);
   if(pageNum > pageData.pageCount){
    if (!v || isNaN(pageNum)) {
    return false;
    return pageNum;

renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: studentStore,
width: 450,
height: 250,
height: 290,
multiSelect: true,
title: 'Student Records',
plugins: 'gridfilters',
    dockedItems : dockedPagingToolbar,

{xtype: 'checkcolumn', text: 'Status', filter: 'string', dataIndex:'status', width: 50},
{text: 'Roll Number', filter: 'numeric', dataIndex:'id', width: 100},
{text: 'Name' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'name', width: 100},
{text: 'Mobile' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'mobile', flex: 1}



Solution of that bug:
You have to override the paging.js  readPageFromInput method to add fix of that bug. Please see the bold method in above code.

Extjs 5.1 ContextMenu Example, Menu not hiding if menu item is never focused, Context Menu issue, Right click menu not closing after clicking on other row

Very basic example with running code for ContextMenu with menu action on ExtJS 5.1.0
Along with one workaround solution for a bug that is there in Extjs 5.1. Bug is:
If you right click on any row then you will get context menu, now if you click on any other row that context menu does not go off, still showing.

First Code Example for Context Menu in ExtJS 5.1.0

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
    <title>ExtJS 5 Context Menu</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="extjs-5.1.0/packages/ext-theme-gray/build/resources/ext-theme-gray-all.css"/>
    <script src="extjs-5.1.0/extjs5.1.0-all-dashboard.js"></script>

.x-grid-item-selected .x-grid-cell {
       background-color: #B3D4FF !important;
       color :#000000 !important;


var resultGrid = null;

 extend: '',
  {name: 'id'},
  {name: 'name'},
  {name: 'mobile'}

    var studentStore = Ext.create('',{
model: 'Student',
 pageSize: 7,
{id:'1', name:'Binod', mobile:'9900999000'},
{id:'5', name:'Ben', mobile:'9902899999000'},
{id:'3', name:'Sergei', mobile:'903599999000'},
{id:'4', name:'Steve 4', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'5', name:'Adam 5', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'6', name:'Matt 6', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'7', name:'Huge 7', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'8', name:'McDonald 8', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'9', name:'Prasad', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'10', name:'Pramod', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'11', name:'Arnab', mobile:'999988885'},
{id:'12', name:'Soumya', mobile:'999988885'}


this.resultGrid = Ext.create('',{
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: studentStore,
listeners: {
        itemcontextmenu: 'forContextMenu'


var showRoll = function(){
 var allSelectedRecord = resultGrid.getView().selModel.getSelection();
      alert("Roll : "+allSelectedRecord[0].get('id'));

var showSelectedRecord =  function(){
var allSelectedRecord = resultGrid.getView().selModel.getSelection();
alert("Name : "+allSelectedRecord[0].get('name')+"\n"+"Mobile :"+allSelectedRecord[0].get('mobile'));

var resultGrid = Ext.define('',{
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',

width: 400,
height: 200,
title: 'Student Records',
plugins: 'gridfilters',

{text: 'Roll Number', filter: 'string', dataIndex:'id', width: 100},
{text: 'Name' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'name', width: 100},
{text: 'Mobile' , filter: 'string',dataIndex:'mobile', flex: 1}
   forContextMenu : function(view, record, node, index, e) {
      return false;

initComponent: function () {
 this.selModel = new Ext.selection.CheckboxModel( {


var gridContextMenu = Ext.create('', {
   margin: '0 0 10 0',
        items: [{
 text: 'Show Details',
       handler : showSelectedRecord
 text: 'Show Roll',
       handler : showRoll
listeners: {
             mouseleave: function() {


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Java BigInteger Example How to use BigInteger Factorial of large data Convert int to BigInteger and BigInteger to int

All most all number data type in Java has some limit but what you will do if you have to do some calculation on big data like calculate factorial of 100 or 500 :)

There is no theoretical limit. The BigInteger class allocates as much memory as it needs to hold all the bits of data it is asked to hold.

If you are working with values that cannot fit into a long or a double then you will need to use a reference type like BigInteger.

It does not support addition by + like other number datatype in java. For that addition you have to call add() method.

You can use bigInteger for int, long, double etc. Please check this document link.

Convert from int to BigInteger

BigInteger newdata = BigInteger.valueOf(20);

Convert from BigInteger to int
int intdata = newdata.intMax.intValue());  

Factorial example for big data:

import java.util.Date;
import static java.lang.System.out;  
import java.math.BigInteger;

public class BigFactorial {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
BigFactorial heck = new BigFactorial();

private BigInteger fact(BigInteger n){
   if(n==BigInteger.valueOf(0) || n==BigInteger.valueOf(1) )return BigInteger.valueOf(1);
return n.multiply(fact(n.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1))));
